Shade Grown Coffee
By Ellen Bell
Traditionally, almost all coffee was shade grown. The coffee plant in its natural state isn't very tolerant of direct sunlight; thus most coffee plants grow best under the shade of a canopy of trees. In an ideal setting, the leaves from the overhanging trees would decompose and compost into the soil, creating a rich, moist soil in which the coffee plants thrive. Furthermore, the trees overhead provide a home to native birds that eat many insects which would
By Ellen Bell
Traditionally, almost all coffee was shade grown. The coffee plant in its natural state isn't very tolerant of direct sunlight; thus most coffee plants grow best under the shade of a canopy of trees. In an ideal setting, the leaves from the overhanging trees would decompose and compost into the soil, creating a rich, moist soil in which the coffee plants thrive. Furthermore, the trees overhead provide a home to native birds that eat many insects which would
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